
Bridge to Brisbane 2024

Event Photo Gallery

11 Oct 2024

SJH-QLD trades in the steel caps for running trainers to join Queensland's largest fun run.

Last Sunday, seven team members from our Queensland office sweated it out in the annual Bridge to Brisbane event.

With all participants taking on the 10km track, we joined a sea of blue for a steep start over the Gateway Bridge.

A huge shout out to each individual effort! With many having little to no training for the event, everyone finished within 1hr 20m which was an impressive achievement all round.

SJH speedsters Dimitri Faligarous and Zac Galis even finished fast enough to snap a selfie with the female race winner and Australian Olympian, Genevieve Gregson.

While a weekend run may not be everyone’s version of fun (cough Henri Lacaze cough) we congratulate our team members for getting involved.

We joined 30,000 other participants in raising over $1,114,174 (and counting) for a variety of charities including The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund & Ronald McDonald House Charities South East Queensland.

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